No i have not, i live on the side of a mountian, all wheel drive & tracks work best for me.that is awesome ! your very krafty and creative for sure! did you ever think of building a hovercraft ??
camoplast makes tracks for the trackster and also some longer tracks for the lookalikes the drive coggs for the internal drive of that track are easy to fabricateWhen i build the bigger one i am gona build every thing including the tracks, i just need to find a pair of drive sprokets i have most everything els, It will be at least 2 x longer then my little one.
gona do a 2 to 1 chain reduction on my final drive so it will drop my gearing but still give me a good top end speed. every thing i build are one offs, no two are the same only becuse i build outa what ever i have laying around or what i can trade for.
research cushman tracksters there was a forum simalar to this one specializing in the trackster i had one i was going to rebuild till i deamed it not cost effectivecamoplast tracks would be nice, i'll have to look into style of track. You can see some of my pics at