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Psalm 2009:1


legendary ⚓
FF Patron
Obama is our shepherd, we shall not want
He leadeth us beside the still factories
He restoreth our faith in the Republican Party
He guideth us in the path of unemployment
Yea, though we walk through the valley of the breadline
We shall not go hungry.
Obama has anointed our income with taxes
Our expenses runneth over..
Surely poverty and hard living will follow us
all the days of our life
The democrats and we shall live in a rented house forever
But we are glad we are Americans
We are glad we are free:

But I wish I was a dog
And Barack was the tree.
Obama is our shepherd, we shall not want
He leadeth us beside the still factories
He restoreth our faith in the Republican Party
He guideth us in the path of unemployment
Yea, though we walk through the valley of the breadline
We shall not go hungry.
Obama has anointed our income with taxes
Our expenses runneth over..
Surely poverty and hard living will follow us
all the days of our life
The democrats and we shall live in a rented house forever
But we are glad we are Americans
We are glad we are free:

But I wish I was a dog
And Barack was the tree.


Brilliant! Very clever.
omg that was funny!!!!!!!i couldn't see our friend tree's response because he is iggied.......but who cares..still thought it was hillarious....thank you....bill w
Hey Bill,

I got it the first three times you posted it...you have me "iggied".

That's ok by me, but if you have me "iggied" its not necessary to post that

you have me "iggied" after every post I make.