Back On Track
We took a trip up and over the pass to the west of our home yesterday on our deep snow mountain sleds. We live about 4 air miles from where these pics were taken on the other side of the mountain in the background of pic #1. The snow is about 4 or more feet deep in many places, has no base and stays like sugar. You must ride most of the time standing up to stay on top of the snow and to maneuver/turn in the snow. My forward progress was temporarily halted several times on some steep and deep mountain sides. Riding in this type of snow is a great workout especially when you bury one about 4 feet deep and have to get it back on top. We put about 50 miles on the sleds yesterday enjoying the great wintertime outdoors with a temp of about 10F. Pigtails had the camera and took the pics of me playing in the snow.