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We're in Deep Sh*t America! Better Get Prepared for TSTHTF


Russia may launch nuclear energy cooperation with Venezuela, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Thursday during talks with the country's fiercely anti-US leader Hugo Chavez.

Just what we need, a hostile dictator with nukes directly to the south.

Folks, is it just me, or is the world getting uglier and uglier? I think that Russia and our other enemies sense weakness and are circling like sharks that smell blood in the water. They see our commitment of a huge amount of resources in Iraq and they know we cannot easily extract ourselves from it. They see our financial meltdown while Russia sees huge increases in oil money. Isn't it interesting that so many of our enemies are oil producing nations that we buy oil from? We in effect are buying arms for our enemies to use against us.

Iran is saber rattling with its nuke program.

Russia is back to its old tricks.

Chavez has invited Russia right up to our doorstep.

Our national finances are in deep trouble and the world knows it.

Are we facing TEOTWAWKI?

All this has me thinking I should start stockpiling dried beans and rice, and ammunition and maybe a couple more .223 caliber rifles. I never really thought seriously about this before, but the way things are shaping up gives me pause.

Our federal legislature is turning out to be totally incompetent to deal with this, both Republicans and Democrats, and right now, Bush is the executive leader of this group of losers. I doubt McCain will be able to do anything with this group of legislative incompetents, and Obama will sign every piece of hare-brained legislation they send him.

Have I turned totally synical? I'm getting there. We have a congress that has an 18% approval rating, led by a president with a 30% approval rating, and we are depending on these people to solve our financial and defense issues? OMFG! And you know what is even sadder than that? The American voters will send 95% of these incompetent morons back to Washington in 40 days.

Republican voters think McCain can save us. Democrat voters think Obama is their saviour. I'm sorry, but both are wrong. I believe McCain to be the better pick of the two to lead our incompetent government, but it's hard to shake this feeling of impending doom.....


Just what we need, a hostile dictator with nukes directly to the south.

Folks, is it just me, or is the world getting uglier and uglier?

Getting a little more ugly outside, but no where near where it's been at before in American history.

I am however waiting for the next McCarthy to appear on our horizon.


Getting a little more ugly outside, but no where near where it's been at before in American history.

I am however waiting for the next McCarthy to appear on our horizon.

I know you like to play devils advocate, but you're gonna have to justify your statement that it's nowhere as ugly as it has been before. Exactly when was the nation facing bankruptcy and our enemies flush with cash with the possible exception of the American Revolution?

And what does McCrarthy have to do with this? You and me are the same age, and neither of us was alive from 1947-1957 so you certianly have zero nostalgic memory of those times. "McCarthyism" is one of those loosely applied terms that has largely lost its meaning due to its overuse by the American political left to deride just about anything they disagree with.

No, DZ, I think we are facing a situation like we have never seen before and Russia is only one part of it. Our financial situation is where the real danger lies and what has exposed our soft underbelly to the rouge nations and tin horn dictators of the world.


Silver Member
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Getting a little more ugly outside, but no where near where it's been at before in American history.

I am however waiting for the next McCarthy to appear on our horizon.

Please, enlighten me. To which periods in American history are you referring? It is certainly as ugly as it has gotten in my lifetime and I like to see us learn from history that we not repeat it. I'm fearful that will not be the case as it looks to me that the antics utilized to ward of the depression of the 1920's, 30's and 40's are about to be put in to play again. History tells us those antics made a mountain out of a mole hill.
What should have been a difficult 4 year period of correction was prolonged well into the 40's.


Site Supporter
and required a couple of big wars to kick the economy back into gear...


I know you like to play devils advocate, but you're gonna have to justify your statement that it's nowhere as ugly as it has been before. Exactly when was the nation facing bankruptcy and our enemies flush with cash with the possible exception of the American Revolution?

And what does McCrarthy have to do with this? You and me are the same age, and neither of us was alive from 1947-1957 so you certianly have zero nostalgic memory of those times. "McCarthyism" is one of those loosely applied terms that has largely lost its meaning due to its overuse by the American political left to deride just about anything they disagree with.

No, DZ, I think we are facing a situation like we have never seen before and Russia is only one part of it. Our financial situation is where the real danger lies and what has exposed our soft underbelly to the rouge nations and tin horn dictators of the world.

Growing up on S.A.C bases as a kid, I was well aware of the nuclear threat posed by the soviet union.

My mother happen to serve in the Air Force, then worked at Langley for the goverment before she married my father (a woman ahead of her time). My father spent close to 30 years serving.

My parents kept me well "informed" of the past times in our goverment and countries history.

Both of my grandparents came over on a boat, didn't speak English, and didn't have a pot to piss in. Both grandfathers died before they hit 35 in the coal mines.

We are promised nothing in this life.

Americans seem to want everything handed to them on a platter and EXPECT it.

Fear does amazing things to people, even more to the masses.

Ever hear of the great depression? FACT is no one during our life time has no CLUE what those people must of endured.

One nice thing about religion, gives you perspective as to what really is important.


Growing up on S.A.C bases as a kid, I was well aware of the nuclear threat posed by the soviet union.

My mother happen to serve in the Air Force, then worked at Langley for the goverment before she married my father (a woman ahead of her time). My father spent close to 30 years serving.

My parents kept me well "informed" of the past times in our goverment and countries history.

Both of my grandparents came over on a boat, didn't speak English, and didn't have a pot to piss in. Both grandfathers died before they hit 35 in the coal mines.

We are promised nothing in this life.

Americans seem to want everything handed to them on a platter and EXPECT it.

Fear does amazing things to people, even more to the masses.

Ever hear of the great depression? FACT is no one during our life time has no CLUE what those people must of endured.

One nice thing about religion, gives you perspective as to what really is important.

Yup, you bet I've heard about the Great Depression. My parents were born in 1925, and 1926, dad & mom respectively. Dad turned 18 and got drafted into the army. Mom still has some of the ration stamps and other historical items from that time. It's interesting growing up with depression era parents. They have the hardest time throwing anything away......

Now, was the depression worse than what we are facing today? Right now, yes, but if our incompetent government keeps doing what they are doing, interfering with the free markets, bailing out companies that should go bankrupt, well, I hate to think what could happen. Don't you think the people who suffered the depression would have liked to have known what was coming? We have that information right now, and we are making the same mistakes FDR made that extended the depression from what should have been a 4-year recession into nearly 20 years of economic suffering.

The difference now is that the rouge nations like Russia, Venezuela, and Iran are wealthy with oil money while we are heading to national bankruptcy. During the depression, the whole world was suffering economically, including Russia. Russia was not a major concern to our national security then. Now, Russia see's us tied up in Iraq like they were in Afganistan in the 70's & 80's. We supplied arms and funding to their enemies all through the cold war and eventually bankrupted the Soviet economy. Now that Russia is flush with oil money, and we are the weakest they have ever seen us, they are looking for payback because they realize how weak we are. One wrong move resulting in shots fired between the United States and Russia could well result in TEOTWAWKI.

And this situation is our own damned fault for electing the morons we keep electing. Now we are depending on these same morons to fix what they screwed up. I don't know about you, but the Depression looks pretty tame compared to what could happen to our economy now with 350,000,000 people in the United States today. That's a lot more people than there were in the Depression who are far less able to deal with hard times than were the people in our agricultural and young industrial society of the Depression.

You can shrug it off if you want to, and I hope you are right and that I am completely wrong. But like I said before, it's getting harder and harder to shake this sense of impending doom.

Oh yeah, on edit, religion is nothing more than one's chosen illusion and has zero to do with what is truly important. You have to decide with your own mind what is really important and what really matters. Religion has nothing to do with that and everything to do with controlling your behavior...kind of like government and taxes.



Again we probably agree more than disagree.

You a member of an underground state militia?

Are you willing and ready to take up arms agaisnt those "morons" that you once swore to protect (AKA the U.S.A goverment)?

If not by violence, then by peace, the choice is yours. However, complaining on an internet forum to a bunch of people who probably don't give a damn won't really matter in the grand scheme (sp?) of things, will it?

I can assure you, I don't shrug anything off.

That said, for myself, religion is the answer and I don't view it as an "illusion". For myself, this life is not what is really important, for we are only on this earth for litterally a blink of an eye. The question is, at least for myself, how you live your life, how you treat others, and how you intend to face emortal sleep.

Funny, my father told me as a kid when he was going to punish me that "I can stand there and take it like a man, or I can run around like a chicken with my head cut off, the choice is yours". I always used to run, but I still got it. Now as I'm older, at least for myself, I can stand there with little or no fear due to the God I know. Know what? There are MANY people who still run around with chickens like their heads cut off because they're afraid, and they're adults, not children.

Insanity seems to run rampant in large crowds. Seems now people are worried and I sincerely think that to some extent, we complete a "self fulfilled prophecy" (sp?) by our own fear and the actions we take because of that fear.

I sincerely beleive that the U.S and the Soviet Union believe in M.A.D, however, the question is if are two nations can be played against each other to anothers "whims" and we don't realize it. That's what really scares me.

Hey, worst case scenerio, stock up on ammo, load up on water and wait. I was very familiar with some survivalists (sp?) in the past, but funny thing I noticed about them, they really never enjoyed life and they never let their guard down to enjoy the moment. To each their own.

Ross 650

Well-known member
Site Supporter
Howdy folks,
I am older than most of you and remember WWII quite vividly. I was born before Pearl Harbor was bombed. Back then folks were still talking about the hard times of the depression. War times were pretty good to the older folks who survived the depression. My early memories are of rationing stamps, vulcanized rubber inner tubes which were red colored and might make 100 miles before a blow out, black out nights when there could be no lights in or outside a house, no metal for civilian use, no cars made in 42, 43,44, or 45, believe it or not but no bubble gum either, no bicycles unless they were used, and food was kinda scarce and not very tasty. Seems to me that our problems nowadays eminate from our Washington gang. They are filling their pockets with both hands and we are footing the bill. I also remember quite vividly the Cuban Nuclear crisis. We were close to wiping that island out. I was in an Air Guard Unit and we were 1 phone call from Washington from activating and heading south. Hey folks, sorry for the aimless meandering of an old coot. Have a goodun!!!



Again we probably agree more than disagree.

Yeah, probably so, but you're the weirder of the two of us. :poke:

You a member of an underground state militia?

Fork no. People like that scare me. Why, you a member?

Are you willing and ready to take up arms agaisnt those "morons" that you once swore to protect (AKA the U.S.A goverment)?

Only as an absolute last resort.

If not by violence, then by peace, the choice is yours. However, complaining on an internet forum to a bunch of people who probably don't give a damn won't really matter in the grand scheme (sp?) of things, will it?

Peace works for me....Make love, not war. :wub: You're right about internet forums. Most people are too shallow and pretentious to pull their heads out of their own asses to actually think about what world events actually mean for them and their families and their country. That's why the stupid-assed, shallow threads get the most hits, and the ones that require thought get the least hits. But, sometimes it's good to just vent, even if nobody cares.....Plus it's fun to piss the shallow people off.

That said, for myself, religion is the answer and I don't view it as an "illusion". For myself, this life is not what is really important, for we are only on this earth for litterally a blink of an eye. The question is, at least for myself, how you live your life, how you treat others, and how you intend to face emortal sleep.

You have to do what works for you, but I think you realize religion has nothing to do with that. What you have that helps you cope is not religion. It's born from within your own mind.

Funny, my father told me as a kid when he was going to punish me that "I can stand there and take it like a man, or I can run around like a chicken with my head cut off, the choice is yours". I always used to run, but I still got it. Now as I'm older, at least for myself, I can stand there with little or no fear due to the God I know. Know what? There are MANY people who still run around with chickens like their heads cut off because they're afraid, and they're adults, not children.

I have no fear because I know the god of the simple minded masses does not exist. Don't read too much into that short statement. It will take hours of conversation to actually understand what I believe. I'm not an Atheist, I'm an Agonostic of a more complex nature than most are willing to accept.

Insanity seems to run rampant in large crowds. Seems now people are worried and I sincerely think that to some extent, we complete a "self fulfilled prophecy" (sp?) by our own fear and the actions we take because of that fear.

You speak the total truth here. Indeed, we each tend to write our own self fulfilling prophecy with our own thoughts and lack of control over those thoughts.

I sincerely beleive that the U.S and the Soviet Union believe in M.A.D, however, the question is if are two nations can be played against each other to anothers "whims" and we don't realize it. That's what really scares me.

Me too.

Hey, worst case scenerio, stock up on ammo, load up on water and wait. I was very familiar with some survivalists (sp?) in the past, but funny thing I noticed about them, they really never enjoyed life and they never let their guard down to enjoy the moment. To each their own.

I have fun every day. We improve our home, educate our children go on vacations. Live and love every day. Life is good!

And the rifles are clean and the ammo is dry.

BTW, PM me some resonable prices to look for on 5.56mm brass cased cartridges.


Yeah, probably so, but you're the weirder of the two of us. :poke:

Never take life too seriously, no one ever gets out alive.

I've got a cuter ass to boot.

And my wife tells me it hangs two inches

Off the ground!

Tin foil hat on, no comment about any underground militia.

Ammo is easy. Takes lots of cash, go to Lawton, and find some interesting pawn shops. Usually the best deal in town, or so I've been told.
Last edited:


Quit worrying, everything is going to be ok.
Russia is flexing her muscles.
Russia is ticked because of the proposed missile shield in Europe.
Don’t run for the hills, yet..
Bush and Putin are buddies (someone finally said something nice about Bush)
Enjoy yourself on Friday and calm down.



New member
Part of the problem might be that the rest of the world is starting to see us a big joke. I saw the posting below on a blog that I check out frequently:

Clown Nation

Posted by Lew Rockwell at September 28, 2008 12:23 PM

Writes P. Gauthier:
As always, thank you for your hard work in championing the cause of rational thinking.
A friend of mine who works at the Bank of Japan called me Friday afternoon. He wanted to get my take on the situation in America because the news reports about the "crisis," "bailout" and the carnival called the election are causing people to ask a serious question in whispered tones: "Has America gone nuts?"
I couldn't think of any way (or reason) to defend the nonsense of recent weeks, so my answer was a simple "Yes." The administration, the congress, the treasury, the fed and the press have accomplished something remarkable -- they have made America and Americans appear to be a country of buffoons.
It's embarrassing and I resent them for doing it.

Deadly Sushi

The One, The Only, Sushi
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If they spend money blindly towads helping these companies then... YES... our Government has lost its mind, common sense and possibly soul.

Part of the problem might be that the rest of the world is starting to see us a big joke. I saw the posting below on a blog that I check out frequently:

Clown Nation

Posted by Lew Rockwell at September 28, 2008 12:23 PM

Writes P. Gauthier:
As always, thank you for your hard work in championing the cause of rational thinking.
A friend of mine who works at the Bank of Japan called me Friday afternoon. He wanted to get my take on the situation in America because the news reports about the "crisis," "bailout" and the carnival called the election are causing people to ask a serious question in whispered tones: "Has America gone nuts?"
I couldn't think of any way (or reason) to defend the nonsense of recent weeks, so my answer was a simple "Yes." The administration, the congress, the treasury, the fed and the press have accomplished something remarkable -- they have made America and Americans appear to be a country of buffoons.
It's embarrassing and I resent them for doing it.


Gone Flyin'
FACT is no one during our life time has no CLUE what those people must of endured.

Why not ask my Mother? She grew up in the 30's and had direct recollection what it was like during the great depression. She, her older brothers (still alive) and many of the older generation that built this country, only to let the baby boomer, hippy sh1tbags (like the ones in Washington , now) destroy it, know what the 1930's were like.

And for the record: We are living fat dumb and royally compared to then. Only in America do the poor 'battle' obesity.

If I hear one more time about the 'Great Depression' compared to where we are now, I'm gonna have to start slapping some people.


Why not ask my Mother? She grew up in the 30's and had direct recollection what it was like during the great depression. She, her older brothers (still alive) and many of the older generation that built this country, only to let the baby boomer, hippy sh1tbags (like the ones in Washington , now) destroy it, know what the 1930's were like.

And for the record: We are living fat dumb and royally compared to then. Only in America do the poor 'battle' obesity.

If I hear one more time about the 'Great Depression' compared to where we are now, I'm gonna have to start slapping some people.


Get um


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
Why not ask my Mother? She grew up in the 30's and had direct recollection what it was like during the great depression. She, her older brothers (still alive) and many of the older generation that built this country, only to let the baby boomer, hippy sh1tbags (like the ones in Washington , now) destroy it, know what the 1930's were like.

And for the record: We are living fat dumb and royally compared to then. Only in America do the poor 'battle' obesity.

If I hear one more time about the 'Great Depression' compared to where we are now, I'm gonna have to start slapping some people.

No shit....my perfectly lucid and intelligent 90 year old (born 1918...teenager during the depression) grandmother can give you days and days worth of stories about growing up during the depression while living on the north side of Chicago.

Poor means literally having a can of beans and a quarter pound of bacon to feed an entire family.

Fat dumb and royally just barely scratches the surface when describing our current living conditions.


Ok dic...er people, I mispoke.

12% of the U.S population is over 65.

Do the math as far as percentage of people who are still alive if your talking about someone who lived during the depression.

Everyone ok now:thumb: