Ladies please take no offense..................
Boudreaux was shopping in the local general store when his best friend Thibideaux comes running in franticly yelling “Boudreaux, Boudreaux”. Hearing him Boudreaux ask “Thibideaux waz goin on”. “Boudreaux, I gots good newz and I gots bad newz, wha ya wanna hear first”
Boudreaux thinks and chooses bad news first and ask Thibideaux “wha beez da bad newz”? “Boudreaux, me and Guidreaux found your wife dead way back da bayou!”
“My O My Thibideaux, that beez turrible, wha could beez good news”. With thumbs up Thibideaux replys “She had 40 big blue crabs on er and we gonna throw er bak out in the morning”
Boudreaux was shopping in the local general store when his best friend Thibideaux comes running in franticly yelling “Boudreaux, Boudreaux”. Hearing him Boudreaux ask “Thibideaux waz goin on”. “Boudreaux, I gots good newz and I gots bad newz, wha ya wanna hear first”
Boudreaux thinks and chooses bad news first and ask Thibideaux “wha beez da bad newz”? “Boudreaux, me and Guidreaux found your wife dead way back da bayou!”
“My O My Thibideaux, that beez turrible, wha could beez good news”. With thumbs up Thibideaux replys “She had 40 big blue crabs on er and we gonna throw er bak out in the morning”